Marja Radić

About me

Bachelor of history and art history. Journalist. Blogger. Freelance writer and transcriptionist. Seeker of knowledge and truth. Soldier of service and helping other people.

And all of the above :)

Visit Greece - the Place Where Everything Started

It is enough to say, the cradle of European civilization. The historical and cultural heritage of Greece has left an impact on the entire modern world in almost all areas of life: many discoveries in art, literature, philosophy, politics, and language we owe to this country which is the home of one of the most valuable things today that most of the world has - democracy. So how can you miss it during your travel plans?

Prednosti i mane Članka 95

Budući da smo svjedoci sve češćih noćnih izlazaka mladih, bolje rečeno djece, u kojima nerijetko konzumiraju alkohol i posjećuju disko klubove, Čl. 95 Obiteljskog zakona nameće se, na prvi pogled, kao potreba. Po njemu, roditelji imaju pravo i dužnost djetetu mlađem od 16 godina zabraniti noćne izlaske bez svoje pratnje ili pratnje druge odrasle osobe u koju imaju povjerenje (op. a.: noćnim izlaskom smatra se vrijeme od 23 do 05 sati).